

We take the security of your personal information seriously. When you submit your credit card details, we use industry standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technology to guard your information.

Our website use a secure server. All your personal information and credit card information between your PC and the server are transmitted in an encrypted form.

  • Can't access secure pages?

    If you are having trouble getting into secure pages, it may be because your browser, your corporate firewall or proxy has not been set up to allow access to secure pages. In these cases contact IT support at your company.
    Many companies access the Internet using a specially programmed computer known as a 'Firewall'. Any data coming in or going out has to get past the firewall first. The firewall may contain programs that mediate access between the Internet and the user.
  • Links to other sites

    This website contains links to other websites. We are only responsible for the privacy practices on this site. We recommend that you check the privacy and security policies and procedures of each and every other website that you visit.
  • Changes to this security policy

    We reserve the right to change our security policies at any time. Accordingly we recommend that you check this page periodically in order to review our current policies.